Now as we read this story, try not focus on her bad points. You see we seem to put a lot of emphasis on her bad points and forget about her good points. So let’s try have a balance here.
In Luke 10:38, we see Martha’s two amazing points. Notice that the story doesn’t start off with her bad points, but two of her amazing qualities. Now we don’t know if this was the first time Martha and Jesus had met, but imagine it was. Imagine Martha’s excitement of having a miracle maker coming to town. Her small little village for that matter!!!! The excitement would still be there even if they had met before. Martha’s immediate response was to be HOSPITABLE and WELCOMING by asking him to come to her house. Martha probably had it all planned out what she was going to serve, and how she was going to serve it.
But that brings me to another good quality of Martha’s!!! She had a SERVANT’S HEART! In verse 40 it mentions twice about her servants heart. Let me show you.
“...distracted with much serving.”
“ sister has left me to serve alone.”
She obviously loved serving. And if she loved serving, how appropriate that she was serving when Jesus came?? Or was it??
Verse 40 also tells us that Martha was RESPECTFUL. “Lord, do you not care...” She recognised her position under Jesus, and pointed out his true title.
She was also BOLD by telling Jesus what to do. Now remember, we’re are focusing on her good points, not leaning on the bad. So look at being bold from a good angle. Being bossy bold is not always the way to go, but being bold by telling others what you believe, and standing up for what you believe is a good kind of bold.
Now while these are all good qualities to have, some of them led her into trouble. That is where Martha, unfortunately, went wrong.
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