Thursday, 15 April 2021

Be still and know

 “Be still and know that I am your God. In quietness and trust you shall find your strength!”

That’s part of a song that I’ve been listening to. All too often I find myself so busy that I don’t have time to be still before God. And then I find myself weak, afraid, and broken. God asks me to be still before him and know that he is God. But being still is not something I like doing. I like seeing action. I like being busy. I do not like being still. My life is full of action and music. I love music and I usually have that playing. So quite often I find myself soo busy that I have no time to be still and quiet. Another thing I find rather hard to accept is that he is God. He is the author and finisher of my faith. He has everything under control. He loves me and is up to something good in my life. He is the champion of the impossible. He loves me and wants to have communion with me. But I’m too busy to stop and talk, and all too often I put things in the too hard basket thinking: “that one is too hard for God, I’ll get back to it later and try sort it out.” Huh!!! Now you know what I think of myself. 

But the more I think if it, the more I realise how wrong I am. He, of all people, knew what it was like to be busy. He was busy healing the sick, raising the dead, forgiving sins, calming storms, and talking to Pharisees and Scribes. (That’s only a few) Yet even tho he was busy, he never lost focus, and he always found time to be quiet and still before his father. 

All too often I lose focus. I “flit about” (as my mum says) and never have time for what’s really important. It all of a sudden becomes all about me and what I want. I forget to take time to be still before God and listen for his voice. 

Oh Father, help me to stop being busy with things that have no eternal value, and to start taking time to be quiet and still before you. 

“So here I am, here I am! Like a child with its mother, quiet and still.” 

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