Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Are you content with God's answer?

The other day I was at work, and the two-year old who I look after was reading pooh bear on the couch. Well, it was towards the end of the day, I was sitting down to fold some washing. My feet were in need of a break, so once I sat down, I was in no mood to get up if I didn't have to. So, I am folding the washing, and next minute the two-year old asks: What is this, Mary?

I got up and looked at what he was pointing to and told him that was piglet in a sleeping bag. 

I sat down again to fold my washing when I hear: Mary, what is this?

I got up again, went over to him and looked again at what he wanted to know, and then told him what it was. Then I went back to my chair. 

Again, I hear: Mary, what is this? 

Well, this time I was in no mood to move, so I was like: I don't know, honey, cause I can't see it. 

"Mary, what is this?" I hear again, him pointing to the same thing. 

"I don't know, honey, I can't see it!" 

Back and forth we had this chat for a few minutes until I couldn't handle it any longer. 

"Sweetie, I can't see it!!! I don't know what it is!!!!!" I had caught his attention and was saying this in a stern voice.
The little guy looked at me with disbelief in his eyes, then turned to the next page in his book, thoroughly disgusted that I wouldn't take the time to answer his question. (Hmmm...maybe telling the kids that I know everything wasn't such a good idea after all??) The thing was, I had answered his question. But it wasn't the way he wanted. He had wanted me to come over and tell him the answer to his question. But when I gave him an answer he wasn't wanting, he didn't listen to me and kept on asking. 

Well, my friend, unfortunately that is often what we are like with God. We ask him to give us an answer to something, or to do something, but when he doesn't respond how or when we want with what we want, we presume him dead, or hard of hearing. When really, the problem lies with us. We are not content with his answer, or we have what we want to be the answer so stuck in our mind that we are not going to listen to anything else. Sometimes God's answers are vague. He might just want us to hold on, or maybe he doesn't think we need to know the answer to that question. Whatever the case may, we can know that God will always answer us. It may not be the way we want, but he will always answer us. And his answer is ALWAYS best because he knows our future. He knows what lies ahead for us. So we can trust him. 

So the big question is:


Thursday, 9 February 2023

Trust in God

 All day long I am chased. They follow me.  They attack me. They walk over me and fight constantly to have my mind and soul. They fight to have my being. They want to live in me a life that is not at all pleasing to my creator. They thrive on sin. Who is 'they'? Me, Myself, and I. I long for the glory. I long for the credit. I long for the praise. I am my biggest enemy. And often I leave myself worried and afraid.

Yet when I am afraid I will trust in God. He is the one that needs to be living and working through my life. He's the one that needs to be on the throne of my heart. What a relief it is that I can go to the Lord in prayer and confide in him. He will look after me and fight for me. He wants me. He loves me. He gives perfect peace and love. For this I am thankful, and will strive to live my life for God. 

Are you content with God's answer?

The other day I was at work, and the two-year old who I look after was reading pooh bear on the couch. Well, it was towards the end of the d...