Sunday, 29 August 2021

Matthew 20

                             Matthew 20:28-31

Here Jesus is telling a parable of a father and two sons. He goes to the first son and asks him to go work in the vineyard for the day. The son strongly replies "no!!" and keeps at what he is doing. But afterwards he repents of his actions and goes and does what he is told. The father goes to his next son and asks him the same thing. The son cheerfully replies "yes father," and goes about his business, not doing what his father asked him to do. After Jesus finishes this parable, he then asks the question "which of the two did the will of his father?" The answer is plain and obvious. The first son.

As I read it I kinda laughed. I had this picture in my head of what took place. 

Here it is:

"Hey Samuel, today can you work on the east side of the vineyard please?" The father asked.          "Naw Dad!!! I was gonna do something else today!! No, I can't work in the vineyard today!!" So the father, disheartened at Samuel's attitude, goes to the next son.
"Hey son, I'm gonna need you today. The east side of the vineyard needs doing. Lets start at 9!!" "Yes, absolutely, Dad!! I'll be glad to come." Jordon cheerfully replies. But come 9am, Jordon is nowhere to be seen. The father can only see Samuel, head hanging, walking towards him. Once Samuel gets to his father, he lifts up his head and says, "I'm sorry, Dad, for speaking like that to you today. Please forgive me. I am here at your disposal." And the father wraps his arms around his son and says, "I'm glad son!!! Because I only have your best interests at heart!! I have got your future in my mind. I'm teaching you how to work!!" 

How often we are like these sons. We happily say to God, "Here am I, send me!!" Yet when the time comes, we don't show up. We are nowhere to be seen. Or God gives us a job, and we stubbornly shake our heads and say "No way, Lord!!" Let's remember the words of Jesus in the garden when he was praying to his father in Heaven. He asked that this cup might be taken from him. But then he said, "Your will be done!" We need to say that to when God gives us a job to do. Of course it won't be easy. But remember that when God takes you to it, he'll also take you through it!!! 

Thursday, 19 August 2021


 Over in NZ we are in lockdown again. And it’s also mandatory to wear masks now when going to an open business or when your working. So today I wore a mask all day. This was probably the very first time I’ve ever worn a mask. I didn’t even know how to put it on. With the help of my workmate, I finally got it on and sitting properly. But it was so hot, itchy, and it kept falling down. I really didn’t enjoy wearing it, and I counted down the mins till I could go home and take it off. But we wore them because thats what was required of us, and we tried to do it without complaining. 

It reminds me of the Christian life in a way. We are to be separate from the world and we are to put on the new man. And Jesus Christ helps us put him on.  Sometimes it’s not always easy. We don’t always enjoy it. Sometimes you wish you could just give up and take it off. But we need to put on the new self without complaining or arguing, because that’s what Jesus requires of us. 

Remember, If God requires something of you, he gives you the means to supply it. 

Monday, 2 August 2021


Put off the old self: 

Anger (Do not let the sun go down on your wrath) 
Do not give opportunity to the devil 
Stealing (do honest work that way you can share in time of need.) 
Corrupt talk
Clamor (demand from many people) 
Sexual immorality 

Put on the New Self

Renew your mind 
Honest labour 
Words useful for building up 
Armour of God. (Breastplate~righteousness, shoes~readiness, helmet~salvation, sword~spirit) 

We should
Be holy and blameless before God 
Expose all evil works 
Address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. 
Give thanks always for everything 
Submit to one another 
Speak the truth in Love 

Are you content with God's answer?

The other day I was at work, and the two-year old who I look after was reading pooh bear on the couch. Well, it was towards the end of the d...