Sunday, 7 February 2021

Having the right attitude


Having a I-get-to-be-here instead of a I-got-

to-be-here attitude.

Having an attiude that says "I get to be here," is a whole lot different to a the attitude "I got to be here."

Wherever it is  in life, whether it is a financial problem, a health problem, or even a contentment problem, we are there for a reason. God wants us to learn something from it, too. 

You might be in a place right now where you are thinking: I GOT to be here cause God wants me here.

Oh man, you have it all wrong. In every situation you can and should have the attitude that says: I GET to be here cause God wants me here!! 

Here are some things that can help us have a I-get-to-be-here


1) Realise God's Providence. Isaiah 55:9,10

Remember that God has you where you are for a reason. He is your guide. He is guiding you to a place that you did not know existed. 

At this present moment, you may have a I-got-to-be-here attitude. Listen friend, if you have that attitude, you are not alone!! I have had that same attitude. But it is not the attitude to have!! 

Remeber also, friend, life is not a destination, it is a journey. 

2) Experience God's presence. Matthew 28:20.

Its not about who you are, its about who you are with.

It is not about where you go, its about who you go with. 

Remeber who you are travelling life with. He is the important one. Without him, you do not have a purpose to life. 

Spend time with God alone. Not a hi-and-bye talk. Get to know him personally, and what he wants for your life. Spend each day with Jesus. 

3) Steward God's postition and possesion. Matthew 25:23.

God has given you eveything you have. Look after it. For example: your room. If you have your own room, God has given that to you. Clean it, keep it tidy, keep it fresh,ect. Whatever you have, look after it. If you are the piano player for church, practice hard. Remeber who you are playing for. Give God the glory. Whatever God has put in your charge, whether it be school, job, church,ect, give your all to it. 

Position prepares you for the future. 

Here are also a few DON'TS that will help you change from a I-got-to to a I-get-to attitude. 

1) Don't doubt in the night what God has shown you in the light. 

God may have shown you at one  point of your life what he wanted you to do, but then when things get tough and you're having a hard time, you start to think: Is that really what I should be doing?

Don't doubt in the night what God has shown you in the light. 

2) Don't spend your life trying to be out of prisons, spend it staying in God's presence. 

We can spend a lot of our time trying to stay out of something, when God says: Hey, I want YOU!! 

Spend your time listening to what God wants you to know. You can do that by reading his Word often. Don't skim over it!! Fall into it!!! Meditate it!! 

3)Don't compare yourself to others. Be content with where you are. 

All to often I find myself looking at others seeing what their life calling is. Or I see how far ahead they are. Or how skinny they are compared to me. Then when I see how much better they are than me, I start being DISCONTENT! DON'T compare yourself to others!! God puts people in different circustances, he gives different jobs. Everyone isn't the same. Instead of comparing and then despairing, look to God and ask him what he wants you to do. 

4) Don't pick up other peoples offences.

Why someone is hurting because of another person is NOT your business!!! If someone has offened your friend, you don't need to be offended too. Picking up someone elses offences divides people. You may never of had a problem with that person until you took over your friends offence. 

Also, if you are in a church situation or job situation or whatever, and someone else is leaving, it is not your place to leave too. Just because God may have called someone away, that doesn't mean he's calling you too. WAIT for God's perfect timing!!

Lastly, Live to serve others. Not yourself. Serving others brings more JOY than serving self

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